05 Oct 2016

A question about : Improve My Workout

As the title says, what imporvements can be made to the below? Am I neglecting any important muscles etc. General goal of workout is to tone up whilst increasing strength and general fitness, not looking to be super strong, just stronger.

3-day Split, all excersises are 3 sets, looking to complete 8 reps per set before increasing the weight next time out.

Day One - Chest and Triceps

5 mins skipping
Dumbbell Bench Press
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Flyes
Weighted Tricep Dips
Overhead Press
Tricep Pull Down

Cardio; Either Hill sprints or swimming

Day Two - Back and Bicep

5 mins skipping
Wide Grip T-Bar Row
Close Grip T-Bar Row
Cable Row
Lat Pull Down (2 super-sets 8 front/ 8 behind)
Not sure what this is called but I'll describe it - get in the bench press position, but instead of bench pressing, keep arms straight and lower to head level and raise back up?
Bicep Curls
Hammer Curls

Cardio; Either Hill sprints or swimming

Day Three - Legs and Shoulders

5 mins skipping
Leg Extension/ Leg Curl (2 super-sets )
Weighted Squats
Leg Press
Weighted Lunges/ Weighted Box Steps depending on the mood
Shoulder Press
Lateral Raises
Front Raises

Cardio; Either Hill sprints or swimming

Should also add that I do sit ups, russian twists & hanging knee raises for abs every session.

Best answers:

  • You could do tri sets with some of your exercises. Also supersets/pre and post exhaust.
  • It might be worth thinking about adding some yoga or pilates into the mix. I do a bit of weight training myself and find this balances off the muscle tension.
  • Your workout is solid.
    I'd keep at it for an extended period of time and just change certain exercises as you see fit.
    Agree with the yoga/pilates advice above
  • Skull crushers is the name of the upper triceps exercise you discribed
  • Would it be worth adding in different lunges (of any variety - walking, static, with weights held overhead) with weights and some deadlifts?
    I do high reps with fairly high weights to exhaustion (usually 4 sets of 10) but with quite long rest periods (90seconds) and am seeing improvement in both strength and range of movement. On legs day I do 10 sets of 10 front squats in amongst the other stuff.
  • try occasionally lowering the weights and increasing the reps especially on legs.
    3x20 weighted squat
    3x20 leg press
    3x20 leg extension
    3x20 calf raises
    3x25 hamstring curl with swiss ball
    lie on your back with a swiss ball under your heels. bridge up and pull the ball towards your bum. great hamstring exercise
    the plank is also a great core workout. start at 60 secs and add 5 secs every time you do a session.
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