19 Feb 2017

A question about : Ideas for a veg patch starter pack gift


A couple of friends mentioned to me last year that they wanted to start a veg patch and I wanted to give them a gift to get them started. So far I have 5 Charlotte seed potatoes, 1 pkt of carrot seeds and 1 pkt of lettuce seeds (total cost of Ј1.25 so far).

Can you think of anything else that I might be able to add to it?


Best answers:

  • I hesitate to give advice to one who has already made such a generous start!
    Give us approx budget and it will inspire someone to reply.
  • Probably Ј3-4 each. Also they all have young children.
  • Some peas or beans- easy and satisfying to grow. Maybe a fruit bush from Aldi or similar? Herbs? Tomatoes?
  • Hi
    I would start by thinking what you know your friends like to eat.
    The two best deals I have seen recently are:
    Wilko - their FUNctional patio six pack, lettuce, carrots (but probably different ones) tomato, chilli, spinach and french beans - cost 90p
    Lidl 5 for Ј1 (or 29p each) their small (1) packs of veggies, herbs and flowers; their large (3) packs are 5 for Ј2 or 49p each.
    For Ј3 you could get
    Peas, mangetout, Dwarf french bean, climbing french bean, and scarlet runner beans from the 49p packs
    beetroot, swiss chard lucellus, any one of several tomatoes, a brassica for winter and a herb say basil.
    I would seriously consider adding a few leaflets like this one on square foot gardening which is possibly the best way for people who are non-gardeners to gain confidence; https://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/site...oot-garden.pdf
  • Thanks. Yes peas and bean are a good idea. Sadly no Wilkos near me but we do have a lidl and I'll check out their seeds.
  • Poundland has great offers with vegetable multi-packs too. I have ha good germination rate from them too and their new ranges are in now too. It would help your budget stretch!
  • DD got a Loganberry bush from Poundland a few years back and it's unbelievable the amount of fruit she gets from it. And it's not from the care she lavishes on it! The poor plant is left to its own devises and she gets pound upon pound of fruit from it in a season!
  • The cane raspberries currently in Aldi are great, we bought a pack four years ago, it had 4 canes in it and we grew them in a container. Each year we have had enough new shoots to get us to the next year and we now have 16 to grow this year all from the original 4 (now up to 5 containers of them) We get loads of fruit from them all through the summer. We've picked up another pack this year to give us even more for the coming years.
  • I saw in The Works this morning they were selling 4 packets of seeds for Ј1. Some veg and salad ones and also some flowers.
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