17 Sep 2016

A question about : iCandy peach pushchair price?

Has anyone recently bought an iCandy peach with carrycot?

I am thinking of getting one and Ive read that you can get these cheaper at the baby show - Im going to enquire the price with John Lewis but has anyone got these cheaper anywhere else recently?

We don't need the car seat or adaptor as my brother is buying these for us..

Best answers:

  • Juts update in case anyone replies beofre tomorrow, its Ј790 for the stroller plus carrycot pretty much everywhere
    pramworld has it for Ј849 with car seat adaptors and maxi car seat (makes it Ј30 for car seat) - thats the cheapest Ive found..will update if we buy it cheaper at the baby show
  • ICandy don't tend to put there prices online which is v annoying. Your best bet is a local shop or independent website as they seem to be able to do better deals.
    I do know the babyshow tend to do discounts not available elsewhere though.
  • My iCandy peach blossom was Ј850 new. That was for the chassis, 2 seats, pip converter, 2 sets of car seat adapters, rain covers etc. Carrycots were Ј120 extra I think though I didn't bother with them. Unnecessary in my opinion. This was more than 12 months ago though so prices may have changed.
    I wouldn't buy one again. Having to take it all apart to put it in the car was a right pain in the a55.
  • Oh no...the reason I was looking at this was that you could add an extra seat on if needed! Will check this out tomorrow thanks..
    I have called around and the standard price seems to be Ј595 for the stroller, and Ј195 for the carrycot
  • Mine was around Ј800. That was the frame, carry cot, stroller and the two raincovers. I love it though and Jaxon is 22 months and I am still using it. He was only in the carrycot section for a few months as he was long, but you can buy a nest and use it in the stroller section from birth...xx
  • I remember my partner thinking about the iCandy Peach as a multiple pushchair and its not simply as easy as adding another seat.
    Ended up with the simple Cherry but none of the iCandy's simply fold - you have to take them apart. Not a problem for me cos we don't have a car and if someone wants me to fold my pushchair on the bus I simply offer to get off and wait for the next one.
  • Thanks..I think the strawberry does fold in one go and apparently you can fold the peach with the chair attached too? Although obv not when you have 2 seats attached..
    I will have to try out all configurations tomorrow and see! Will report back
  • Ok we ended up buying the peach 2 stroller and carrycot in silver mint, looks soo nice, and baby planet had a special offer where they threw in a maxi cosi cabriofix and car seat adaptors for free, so all in was Ј790 instead of Ј920 which was a good discount.
    We had the option of buying either the display black or the purple peach 2's for Ј660, but OH didn't want a pram for his baby that has had other peoples mucky hands on it, lol..
    All in all the baby show was really good, got a few other bits and bobs all with really good discounts - recommended if you have a fair bit of baby shopping to do!
  • i havent got the pushchair yet but yeah i havent found reference to folding it with the seat on anywhere else
    Ill just enjoy it as a single and see how it goes with 2 when the time comes..
  • Hi,
    Am also looking to purchase the same pushchair but was wondering whether you got it from Baby Planet directly or from the baby show?
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