12 Nov 2017

A question about : I got the money diet for 25p

Yippee! I dont believe it! I found it at a charity shop for 25p!!! And its in great condition! How money saving is that!! title=Wink

Best answers:

  • I'm surprised anyone would want to part with it - I occasionally loan mine out but - give it away? - not on your life! I do, however, donate to charity - I'm not mean! I'm going to look out for a copy in my local charity shops and will put it on www.bookcrossing.com. This is a great site for book lovers. You leave a favourite book somewhere, say, on a park bench or a seat on the bus. You'll have put your bookcrossing label in it (this enables you to track your book) and someone else picks it up and reads it and they in turn leave it somewhere for someone else. I think it's a brilliant idea - it shares books and saves money.
  • I got my unread book from the carboot. The lady selling it said her BF had given it her & she wasnt interested in reading it.
  • got my copy for 75p in a sue ryder shop
    so helping a charity too
  • I paid 10p for mine at a car boot !!
  • In America there is a great way of reading books .You can buy from the shelves at either $1.00 (50p)for a hardback or 50 cents(25p) for a paperback .Or if your travelling as my pal and I were a little while ago there is whats called an 'Honour 'system Basically you borrow a book and when you've read it and maybe have travelled a couple of hundred miles you just hand it in at the next library .Book buying is so compulsive over there. I brought back 6 books that I bought from Barnes and Noble in Washington, and these were brand new books and the prices were about half the price they were in England .Books are so expensive in Great Britain compared to the U.S.
    There is a huge second-hand bookshop near Fulton Strret subway in New York that I had a hard job tearing myself away from .The shop must have covered around three blocks .
    Also in their book shops you can buy a coffee, and just pick up a book and start to read it ,if you enjoy it then you buy it Nearly all of the libraries have comfy armchairs to sit in and are very user-friendly. Children can also borrow toys ect .The access to the internet is free and I used to email my DD's from different parts of the States with no problem at all.
  • i got a copy this week from a 'swap shop' evening at a friends (everyone brings stuff, mainly clothes, that they don't want and then you get to pick through and find things that you like. got some cool other things too, but was very proud of getting the money diet book this way!
  • Ok, so for those of us not so lucky to find such a jewel at such a good price, where is the cheapest place to buy it from?
    Well done at your find, btw.
  • .....I went to the tip to go through their book pile and found it. When I went to ask how much they wanted, I batted my eyelashes at the waste advisor and he said: "You come here a lot for the books don't you? Go on then, have it on me."
  • Reported spam
  • I got mine for 50p at a car boot and it still had the receipt inside!
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