20 Nov 2016

A question about : Hurrican Season

My 19 yr old daughter was sold a package holiday to the Dominican Republic for this July. At the time of booking she was unaware that the hurricane season was June to November end. Would it be possible to transfer to another holiday as she only booked this holiday on the suggestion of the travel agent?

Best answers:

  • I currently live in Trinidad (about 800 miles from the Dominican Republic) and spend a while each year in Jamaica so have a reasonable knowledge of the weather in this area.
    Although it's true that the hurricane season runs from June to November, the most likely time for a hurricane is late August to the end of September and even then, hurricanes actually occurring are pretty infrequent. I believe that the last one to make land was about 10 years ago and that one wasn't too strong.
    If your daughter can change the dates or location then it might be worth doing for peace of mind (both hers and yours), but if not, just make sure that she buys travel insurance that covers cancellations due to weather and make sure that this insurance is taken out in plenty of time.
  • Agree with Shaun, I lived in the Caribbean for many years and only caught the tail end of one, its a very much over hyped scenario.
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