19 May 2017

A question about : How Green Are You ?

Have you seen the BBC 2 program Tuesday 8.30pm. It's not easy being Green.

Best answers:

  • Yes, although it's a misnomer to call the programme by this title. It's more to do with being self-sufficient, a much more difficult thing to achieve and beyond the average household. Entertaining, though! And THAT moustache!!
  • hi.. was watching that programme, as my far fetched dream is to have a lovely old welsh traditional cottage, with a few acres, NO NEIGHBOURS...and try to be self sufficient, and as green as possible.....
    with this programme. it was good, but in reality, no one would have that amount of spare bodies around the place to help, and also that type of spare cash to do all those things straight away, unless you won the lottery...but it does open your eyes to what could be done....
    as for being green...i think i have saved the planted single handedly, by not tidying the kids bedrooms...( the amount of stuff the hoard under that bed and in the cupboard) but seriously...if everyone done their bit, even if it was something small... it would all help....
    what do you do to be greener? and do yuor neighbours think your a bit loopy ? my neighbours think i am....
    and also being green is an excellent way of moneysaving.....
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