13 Jul 2016

A question about : How to do Valentine's Day on the cheap

The day of love is just around the corner and restaurants are busy preparing their overpriced set menus, while hotels are hiking their prices. We want to tap MoneySavers' collective knowledge on cheap ways to spend the day. What are your top tips for treating your loved ones without breaking the bank?

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Best answers:

  • It depends on the type of celebrations you want to do. I know if you want all the commercial stuff such as hearts and flowers etc that a lot of the pound shops have big selections and they do some nice cards.
    For those who want something a little more subtle, I would suggest a home made meal, either made together or for your partner. Some nice music, candles etc.
    Homemade gifts are also really good as they have more meaning behind them. You can even do something a little on the silly side, such as this;
    Hope that gives people some ideas and everyone has a lovely, romantic day.
    October xx
  • Have a takeaway they don't hike their prices or cook their favourite meal and a nice bottle of wine
  • Whatever you do do not take MSE advice on cheap flowers. It has ended in tears in the past.
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