25 May 2017

A question about : How do I recycle??

Drink cartons?
They can't go into the organic bin because of the plastic lining... Eg. innocent smoothy thinks cartons...

Bottle lids
The glass bottle lid looks like it is made of metal. Does it then go with the cans.

Best answers:

  • Is that the tetra pack type of cartons? There used to be a place you could send them to. I think this is the link: https://www.tetrapakrecycling.co.uk/
  • We've always been told to remove the lids from glass bottles. But our local council is very picky about what it will or will not take, they don't even take cardboard.
  • Newcastle City Council don't take cardbaord either....very annoying!
  • Ooops Double post !!!
  • Yellow pages ?? !!
    Our Kerbsite scheme, don't take them, so where can I take them ?
    Anyone and ideas ?
    Thanks, Rubix
  • our council allows cardboard to go with garden waste. tetra packaging is a pain i find to recycle so i have stopped buying any product thats uses it
  • yep - tetra packaging is usually a card and plastic composite which makes it impossible to recycle! shame!
  • These cartons can be recycled.
    "Despite most people thinking otherwise, our cartons are fully recyclable. The issue is that most UK councils currently don’t recycle them, in the same way that most councils didn’t take plastic bottles 5 years ago. In Scandinavia over 60% of cartons are recycled, the EU average is 28%, but in the UK it is less than 2%. The technology exists and there is a fully functioning carton recycling plant in the UK. Cartons are a great packaging format, we just need to put pressure on our respective councils to pick them up as well as other recyclable materials. If you want to help, we've made a template for a letter you can send to your council, which can be found here "
    From the innocent drinks website. https://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/drinks/drinks.html
    As for yellow pages most of the paper 'bins' in supermarkets now accept yellow pages.
  • I've spoken to my council on more than one occasion about what they'll take. I'm not sure I believe some of the answers.
    One box is for non-dyed paper and glass. The other box is for metal (steel or aluminium), plastic bottles, cardboard and dyed paper.
    They won't take aluminium foil - the wrong sort of alloy I think. And they won't take metal jar and bottle lids, for reasons I can't fathom.
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