25 Mar 2018

A question about : How a bout a life after debt board?


I was just wondering if there are any plans to introduce a board for those who are out of debt and trying to remain that way? Life after debt and all that!

There must be quite a few 'Debt-Free-Bies' out there now (thanks to MSE!) who I'm sure would benefit from it. It may also help and encourage both long-haul and newbie DFWs if they have a point of reference for hearing about success stories.

I have so much gratitude for this site and for the Money-Diet book; it would be nice to be able to acknowledge our thanks and successes somewhere specific.

Catseyez title=Top

Best answers:

  • Hi Catseyez, I am one of the board guides on DFW, perhaps the best place for this post is the " site feedback " board where it will be more likely to be read by the people who influence new boards.
    Well done on becoming debt free, please don't stop posting on DFW as the debt free posters are a great inspiration to those who are still struggling with their debts.
  • I think this is a great idea, for all the reasons already mentioned. Most dieting /slimming sites and mags have a place for success stories, because they're such a powerful motivator. They're usually the first thing I read (even if it IS sometimes with a Jaffa Cake in one hand ) and I think the same sort of thing would work well here.
    It might help people to maintain debt-free status once they've gotten there, in the same way that slimmers are encouraged to maintain target weight. I don't think I'll ever be in debt again after the struggle it's taken to get debt-free, but there are serial 'offenders' (for want of a better word) when it comes to being in debt, just as there are yo-yo dieters.
    Also, becoming debt-free isn't as easy to adjust to as you might think. Since becoming debt-free three weeks ago, I'm still automatically denying myself the most basic and mundane things, yet splashing out on daft stuff occasionally like the odd bit of junk jewellery for no better reason than 'because I can'. I suppose my debt and the battle to clear it has been such a huge part of life for so long that I don't quite know what to do with myself now, especially since it's been replaced by a very unknown entity called 'Spare Cash'. Although I can think of far worse problems to have, it would be nice to see how other people handle this stranger
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