25 May 2017

A question about : Help planning my charity event!

Last week we were told that my gran had terminal cancer and that she has 3-6 months to live. I've spent the last few days crying and hating the horrible disease but I realise that I can't change anything.

I want to arrange a charity night in her honour, I'm thinking a masquerade ball. I've got plans for the venue, dj, raffle etc but I'm not sure what to do throughout the night to keep people entertained?

Any ideas? I want people to have fun and ensure that the night is memorable (for the right reasons) Help please!

Thank you 😊

Best answers:

  • Start by contacting the charity for which you wish to raise funds and get their permission to use their name in your advertising etc. They may also be able to advise you on what to do ...
  • Sorry to hear about your gran, unfortunate illness.
    If you have a specific charity in mind (cancer research etc) contact them to get help. They can provide you banners and ideas.
    Search internet for charity ball organizations.
    However it is a big thing to take on - are you sure you will have time and perhaps sources to sell tickets ?
  • Very sorry about your Gran.
    I second asajj about it being a huge thing to organise. It bothers me a bit these days that some people have to feel they get something in exchange for making a charity donation, rather than just the knowledge their money has gone to a good cause. You could have a virtual ball online? Get people to dress up (in an outfit they already own or have borrowed) and post their pics and a message with a donation, then all the money can go to your chosen charity.
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