12 Jun 2017

A question about : Hand in notice or PVR?

Hi. My situation at he moment is that i'm 6 monts away from completing 22 years service (plus a year and a bit for the queen title=Mad ). I am currently signed on for LOS 30 but have decided enough is enough. What is the difference between handing in a PVR or handing in notice apart from the obvious 12 mth PVR time and 18 mth notice time? Are there any benefits/pitfalls from taking either route?

I assume that I can today do both and still qualify for an immediate pension as I will still be serving as I pass the 22 year point?


Best answers:

  • If you are an NCO (i.e. not a comissioned officer), you become eligible for your pension after 22 yrs service (only service after the age of 18 counts), so yes, you would be eligible for your pension if you left, so long as it was after your 22 years service point.
    Your notice period should be 12 months though, not 18, unless you are time barred for some reason (courses etc)?
  • Thanks for that, pretty much as I thought it was. However the point I was trying to make was this:
    I'm currently on a notice engagement i.e I can hand in my 18 months notice anytime I feel like it. As i'm approaching my 22 year point, I now also have the option to PVR i.e get out in 12 mths time. I'm trying to establish if there is any difference between the two methods I have available to me apart from the obvious 6 mths difference in waiting time. Any benefits/drawbacks from either method?
  • I've never heard of that mechanism.
    To my knowledge, PVR is an option for new entrance trainees to leave if they find they dont like it.
    For everyone else, it is 12 Months notice.
    What Service are you serving in? not the RN thats for sure.
  • I can only speak from an RAF perspective.
  • Hi,
    Whichever method you use to apply for release make sure you ask for a date after 6 April. New pension rate will be effective from that date.
  • if your in the RAF, check chief clerks bulletin for PVR waiting times, they vary from trade to trade.
    can be found from the high wycombe website..
  • just be sure that you are completing the 22 years!!! if you go on JPA it will tell you that date.....if you did awhile for the queen then that will get added on....so if you did 6 months inside then you will complete 22 years and 6 months!!! be very careful of this....otherwise there is no downfalls as one of our lads got out earlier than he should of (he also was on LOS) just make sure your 22 years is complete to get your pension!!! NO ONE WILL TELL YOU!!!
  • The only difference in resettlement is that you get an extra week after 22 years than you would at 12 or 15 years. Not sure if any of you know but as of 1st October the resettlement grant is increasing from Ј534 pound to just over Ј1000.
  • As far as I am aware (I work in RAF Resettlement) the only difference between PVR and notice is that if you hand notice in you get terminal leave which you do not if you PVR, your resettlement entitlement stays exactly the same 35 days after 16 years service and Ј534 IRTC. The previous statement about this increasing from Oct has not yet been confirmed. You will also have your Enhanced Learning Credits that can be used for training as long as you registered and as long as the course is level 3 and the training provider is registered. I would suggest that you go and speak to your local resettlement officer for advice as there is a excellent service available to you.
  • Thanks for the reply, exactly the sort of info i'm after. Interesting point about loss of terminal leave!!
  • Glad my info was useful, As terminal leave is not in my remit you need to go to your psf/hr admin and clarify what the rules are for this as they are continually changing. My one bit of advice to you would be to go and ask the people that are paid to advise you before you make any decision your Resettlement advisor will see you for a general chat and listen to the advice from them they are the experts! Good luck and by the way all the resettlement rules and regs etc are in JSP 534!
  • One thing to check is how PVR / notice affects your pension. I know that if I leave by PVRing I get less than I do if I hold on to the end of my commission. You can check using the pension calculator on the MOD website.
  • Just a bit on Terminal leave.
    My husband put in his PVR last August with an exit date of 02/08/08 he is currently on re settlement leave and will be starting terminal leave next week. So you do get terminal leave when you PVR.
    Plus you can also take on a new job and get paid for it during your terminal leave.
  • You get terminal leave on PVR.
    Also your 22 year point will vary depending on which pension scheme you went with.
  • One thing you may wish to consider is that IF the RAF decide to let you go early for any reason whatsoever BEFORE your 22year point once you have put your notice/PVR in, then you will not get your immediate pension because you will not have completed your 22 years from age 18. I heard of people in the RN who suffered as a result of this - just a buzz but like I say ... BE Very Careful - congrats on your service by the way, well done.
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