25 Sep 2016

A question about : Hamsters (merged)

Hi looking for some advice please about keeping hamsters.

I received three male hamsters from freecycle one is approx. 8 months old the other two are his sons and they are 4 months old. After doing some research I now know that adult syrian hamsters are solitary animals and shouldn't live together. They seen to live quite happily together as they obviously have since the sons were born, but I don't know what goes on at night when they are most active. Shall I re-freecycle two of them to different people and should I contact the lady I got them from first to tell her what I intend to do?


Best answers:

  • Hi-they def should NOT be kept together, seriously.
    They need their own seperate cages I'm afraid!
  • I'm surprised the hamsters have survived together as long as they have! Syrian hamsters definitely should not be kept together. I personally think animals should not be put on freecycle, so would not recommend re-freecycling them. It would be better if you could go via a proper rescue organisation so they will be guaranteed a good home rather than giving them away to anyone on freecycle. I'm a joint moderator on our local freecycle and ended up fostering a hamster for a couple of weeks because someone wanted to put it on freecycle and we said no (animals are not allowed to be posted on our group as they are not rubbish to be saved from landfill!). I was really worried where it was going to end up so I took it on and found it a home with someone I knew. At least then I knew it would be looked after properly. I was really glad I took it on because its cage was an awful state and had obviously not been cleaned out properly for months, so I don't have much faith that the person would have had its best interests at heart and just wanted to get rid. Personally if I'd taken on the 3 hamsters and had room, I'd just buy 2 more cages and keep them all
  • We had two males that lived together ok for a while. Until I found better use for their hutch...
  • Can't you get another cage to keep them seperate? One of them could end up attacking and eating the other one?
    Where do you live because my hamster Fred died last thursday and i have a spare cage an accessories
  • Thanks for the replys so far. Sorry to hear about Fred, I live in Hampshire. I want whats best for the hammy's but havn't really got space for three cages. I think I'll see if I know anyone that will take them on or phone the local shelter.
  • Have PMd you DO Jo.
  • Any updates?
  • We are taking my friends hamster as she is emigrating and I wondered if anyone out there could give advise. My dd is allergic to nuts and I am not having much luck finding a nut free hamster food. Has anyone any suggestions.
    Many thanks
  • I don't know if its possible to buy any from anyway. I did have a thought though. You could try going to your local pet shop, they might be able to either create a mix for you, or you could buy things seperately and mix them yourself. I'm not sure what pet shops do these days, but you used to be able to buy oats, pellets and things seperately. They'd also probably be able to give you and idea of what things should go into any mix.
  • I recently bought gerbil food which had no nuts in it (which was a pain as my two go crazy over them) called Gerri Gerbil, they also do another one called Harry Hamster, but I'm not sure if it has nuts in it, might be worth dropping them an email at russel@suppet.co.uk
  • I'm a bit stuck with what to do with my Hamster over Christmas. We live 250 miles away from family, so when we usually visit, we only stay one night, so Hamster isn't alone for long. We took him once when he was about 6 months old, and the journey/change of location didn't seem to bother him.
    This Christmas, I'd like to stay away for more than one night. Only problem is I'm not happy leaving him for more than one night, and OH is worried about the journey. He is almost two and while he is still really active and healthy looking, he has lost some fur in the past 4 months. Where we'd be staying does have a cat, but we'd keep the hamster in the guest room with the door shut.
    I don't want to leave him for long, as I know that chances are he will die soon. I don't want him to die alone, I want him to die on a day where I've given him a fuss and some treats.
    Any ideas/advice/opinions?
  • Do you not have any friends or neighbours who would take him into their home over xmas? Failing that i am sure he would be ok on the long journey,better than leaving him home alone i would think.
    There are also pet carers who will look after small animals for a nominal fee.Ask at the vets or look in your local papers,or the yellow pages.
  • I'm in Hampshire.
    I wouldn't trust anyone else with him. We don't know many people round here, and I'd be too worried to leave him with a pet sitter.
  • How refreshing to find someone who cares so much about a small animals welfare.Someone after my own heart!! Then really you have no other option than to take him with you,all you can do is make sure he stays quiet and stress free whilst you are in the car.When does he sleep? I would think best to travel if you can whilst he is sleeping.
  • He sleeps when he feels like it, but chances are if we are in the car he will be awake, cos he knows we are there. He loves attention, so whenever he can hear us talking he squeaks so he isn't left out.
    I was thinking of getting a small carrier for him, put his own sawdust and bedding in, would that be safer than putting his big cage on the back seat?
  • Yes i should imagine it will move about less,and be warmer too.Don't go by the average age of hamsters,and think you won't have him much longer.If an animal is loved and well cared for it can live way past the average.I had a chipmunk who lived to nearly 10 when they are not supposed to live much over 5.And both my dogs have reached the age of 15+.Even my tropical fish are well into their teens!!
  • Hi! We've got a little carrier type box, to take our hamster around in! He should be fine in one for a day or two, and if you'll be getting him out for a fuss/hold etc i wouldnt worry. Have you got a ball? Maybe take that with you so he can stretch his legs when you get there too.
    Nice to meet other hamster lovers! I lost a hamster not too long ago, who id had for about three years-she moved house with us and got moved about a bit to begin with, and coped realy well. Got a little boy now-miss Harriett still though.
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