25 Jun 2017

A question about : Had a problem with a funeral plan?

Has anyone had a problem with a funeral plan ie being asked for more money, pressure from company on remaining relatives etc? I am considering Age UK and the Co-op but have found downsides to both. But maybe all companies have a downside?

many thanks, Jayess

Best answers:

  • If you want more services than are provided for in the plan then yes you will have problems. And a set plan may not offer everything you want
    I had no problems with the Coop (for MiL) - yes there were extras (funeral tea, flowers, service sheets) but not unexpected and they did (politely) ask for payment up front for the latter
    The plan provided exactly what it said it would
  • My Mum and Dad had funeral plans with AgeUK. Their paperwork was very clear about what was covered (there were three options to choose from).
    After each death, I contacted AgeUK and told them, they contacted the local FD who is under contract to them and the FD got back to us immediately to organise things. Everything went very smoothly.
    Problems seem to arise when people assume that a funeral plan will cover everything to do with a funeral and wake and get upset when the plan only covers certain things. It's like any policy you buy - you're covered for what you've paid for.
  • Funeral plans like these can bring a peace of mind to all concerned - yes there will be few small items - in my church we stepped in to provide an order of service that is not included in the plan.
    Also write down what they might want at the service - hymns, music
    Please at the same time do ensure wills are made -
    Use a solicitor - not DIY
    All this helps the family at what is a stressful time.
  • We shopped around a few years ago and bought Co-op plans. Do read the small print closely as I noticed several of the well-known plans referred to potential increases in charges which were not under direct control of the funeral directors. Examples given were Crematorium charges, church fees eg minister, organist, etc. These are costs which have risen sharply in recent years and could involve a large extra payment due at a funeral.
  • Also worth checking the radius clause of any plan. If the person dies away from home, how close does that have to be until the extra costs kick in and what is the scale?
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