23 May 2016

A question about : Going to court with CSA anyone done this

I seperated from my childrens father 6yrs ago due to domestic abuse, his drug habit and his affairs.

The day I left him he swore I would not get a penny CSA and he has stuck true to his word! It took CSA over 2yrs to eventually get a deductions of earnings order (as he was working) and I actually started getting some money for around 8mths, he also owes us over Ј3600 in arrears. However he hated paying CSA so much he left his job and for the past two years has said he is living off his girlfriend.

I know this is not true as people in his area where he moved have told me they have seen him doing plumbing and maintenance work at various houses and I was also still linked to his email account for a couple of years so saw all the emails he was receiving from clients showing how much money they were paying into his account and also getting quotes from him for new jobs.

I passed all this info onto CSA and HMRC over a year ago now and still absoultey nothing! CSA are still saying that he is declaring he is not working and happily living off his girlfriend.

I have now gone the court route with CSA in the hope that courts will look into this further ie ask to see his bank account and maybe his girlfriends bank account.

The worry I have is that his girlfriend works for a very famous actor so I guess is on a very good salary so maybe my husband doesnt have to work at all. Do CSA or courts never insist he works to support his children or say he still has to pay a certain amount if he is living a life of luxury and doesnt have to work but still needs to support his children?

Im not being greedy asking for money as I have raised my children on my own for nearly 6yrs now, but we live in poverty just managing to pay the bills and put food on the table, I give my husband full access to the children as well as I have never used money to bargain over the children as I put their welfare first. I just wish my husband would put their welfare first as well and help out a bit financially.

My poor son come home the other day and told me he had got himself a paper round Friday, saturday and sunday mornings for Ј10, I was devastated as he said I want to work mummy to help you pay the bills. The children just dont understand when I have to say no to simple things that they want.

This is all so unfare.

Has anyone had any success in court? Or got an ex who doesnt have to work because his girlfriend is rich?

Best answers:

  • What do you call rich?
    Nowadays I would only date a self sufficient woman, my mate's ex is a dentist and has her own practice.
    You are not greedy asking for CS contribution, but remember it is based on the NRP's financial position, not that of their partner.
    From what you describe, you won't have an easy task although not impossible.
  • What do I call rich??? I suppose I am saying if a man is not bothering to go out to work because his partner is earning enough money to cover rent, bills, food, two cars, horses, days out, holidays then I guess that is what I am calling rich.
    But I think if a man is in this position where he doesnt have to work but has dependant children he should still be made to earn money to pay a basic amount of support for his children.
  • My ex was taken to court under the old rules (by the csa, rather than me), amount owed was just over Ј28k. They sent letters telling me he could have his car seized be jailed etc but in the end they wrote off the outstanding amount as he'd been declared bankrupt by the time the case got to court.
    In conclusion - I wouldn't get your hopes up.
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