24 Feb 2017

A question about : Glorious Gardens From Above

I'm really enjoying this series, presented by Christine Walkden which has been shown on BBC 1 at 15.45 during the week, and BBC2 this morning at 8.40.( from the first programme, featuring gardens of Cornwall.)
A real tonic for those of us who might be gazing out of the window at our own soggy or wind torn gardens. I hope that others will enjoy it too.

Best answers:

  • Thank you for highlighting this series, I hadn't noticed it. I live in Cornwall so that first episode was a real treat. Now I shall go and watch some more
  • You're welcome. Funnily enough I've just noticed that it's also being repeated now.... 17.30 BBC2 Sunday. A real treat in HD
  • I shall look forward to that when I can have the house to myself and lose myself in the tv for an hour. Lovely!
  • Viewed it last night, EEny...lovely scenes, nice to hear regional accents, though still too much talk.
  • I agree Ken, I'll bet, like me, you're trying to peer over their shoulders to see what's planted!
  • It's the most awful, disappointing gardening programme I can recall. Truly dire - the entire concept was flawed and the delivery is worse.
    Walkden screeching "Look, look, isn't it exiting!" and all you can see is her conk
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