24 May 2015

A question about : Giving Up Smoking

Just a quick one before I go to work. Is there anyone out there who would like to give up smoking with me. I need support.

Had my last cigarette last night and I've decided to go cold turkey again. This must be the 2nd time I've tried giving up and I tried about 6 times last year.

I feel keeping a thread/diary might help me stay on track.

Must go. Will update later

Best answers:

  • Morning,
    Can't help as I don't smoke and never had but good luck
  • Good luck Woodster
    ive been off them 4 years in may this year, for me it was cold turkey, it had to be or I think I would never have got off them.
    Hopefully you get a quitting partner soon!
  • I quit cold turkey last Friday. Had to cos of a chest infection. It was either quit smoking or quit breathing!
    So it's nearly been a week: I've got an inhaler & gp has given me a week off + I have half term break. Should be long enough to break associations, I hope. My oh says I've turned into Miss Sweary Pants but as I've said would you prefer swearing or smoking? Lol. DS (15) is in stitches after he overheard me in the kitchen. I also appear to have turned into a clumsy numpty without the fags. I keep tripping and dropping things. Grrrr!
    Very, very grouchy with a stupid voice in the back of my head urging me to nip out for one!!!!
  • I quit just over a month ago so still in the early stages.
    Went for the ecig option as I just couldn't handle cold turkey on previous quits. Down to minimal nicotine now though so the next lot I get will be zero then its just sorting out my mental triggers and ditching the dummy
    Its not been easy I can't lie and I have run the gambit of depression anger, problems sleeping, permanent hunger and tears...........but and its a big but (well it will be with all this extra food ) it gets a little easier every day.
    I know for a fact I am never ever going through this again so the thought of that one fag is not even an option.
    Stick with it Woodster the benefits way out way the uncomfortable few weeks ahead of you.
  • Mark Twain said it was easy as he had done it hundreds of times.
    You have my sympathy. It is not easy but well worth it in the end.
  • Just dropped by to say good luck. If you can try and keep a track and put the money you would have spent aside as you would normally have spent it. Then give yourself a treat with it. I bought myself a new phone after a surprisingly short time!
  • Thanks for the support everyone. Trying to keep myself busy but keep thinking about a cigarette.
    Need to be at my second job by 2 so I will come back later.
  • Good luck Woodster.
    I gave up October 2013 - just went "cold turkey".
    After over 30 years smoking too; no, it wasn't easy BUT it DOES get easier the longer you've quit for.
    After a month or so you'll start to taste things a little better ......... and probably your sense of smell will improve too, not to mention your breating will improve.
    All the best.
  • Good luck Woodster!
    I gave up smoking last April, after having smoked for many years.
    Like elisebutt65, it was also a chest infection that helped me to quit.
    It was the first time I had tried to stop smoking, and now 10 months later, still going strong.
    Occasionally I have a drag of a Nicorette, but it's more to do with habit than nicotine craving.
    Quite a few quitters have already posted, and soon you will be joining us.
    Best wishes
  • I quit nearly 10 years ago. I was a heavy (up to 40/day) ,seriously addicted smoker, and I managed it with the aid of nicotine patches.
    My advice is to never have 'just one'. For most smokers one cigarette will lead to another, then another and back to being a smoker again.
    Best of luck everyone . It does get easier, and it feels great being a non smoker
  • I was also a 40 a day smoker and packed in about 15 years ago.
    I found it an incentive to save my fag money in a big bottle, it's amazing how quick it mounts up.
    Also if you're desperate for a fag, doing 10 press ups gives your body the small kick as an intake of nicotine, but I don't suggest you do this straight after a meal or just after you've had sex.
    Best of luck.
  • Thanks for all your comments and support. When I feel like I'm on the edge I'll look back on all the posts. All positive!
    1st day done. Ј5.00 saved. Wasn't easy, this morning when I got up I usually go outside for a ciggy before I start the day. When I came back home at dinner time I automatically went for the draw for a ciggy then remembered I'm trying to quit. I was a little stroppy when I got home this evening.
    Tomorrow I don 't start work until 2pm. Plan a bit of a lie in and then I need to keep myself busy til I go to work.
  • Woodster, drinking extra water is supposed to help in the first few days, when you are actually detoxing. Try drinking a glass of iced water slowly. It helps to form a new habit as well.
  • Ok so far. My chest felt tight this morning and a bit of coughing. But yeah smoking is always on my mind and then I try to turn the thoughts to the money I save, and what I need to be doing over the next couple of hours. Keeping positive.
    Off to do a few jobs around the house. I've just eaten half a pack of cookies. Not good. Need to keep busy.
    Will update later on tonight.
  • I packed in last April Woodster with the help of the cessation clinic at the docs and started on the mid range patches. Used them for 8 weeks then stopped because I suddenly realised one day I didn't have a patch on and realised I didn't feel I needed the nicotine and havnt used one since.
    I don't have the need for nicotine but after 50 odd years of smoking I still get an 'urge' a few times a day but only for a few seconds. I still miss that 'hit' at the back of the throat lol
    Keep your mind occupied at all times. Its impossible to think of 2 things at the same time. Good luck with it, its a great feeling and seeing these people out in the snow and rain outside pubs etc or a last minute fag before getting on the bus give you a bit of a buzz that you don't need to anymore.
    Edit. I found that hot water from the kettle sipped helped, rather than cold water.
  • Day 2 done Ј10.00 saved.
    Did feel a bit down before going to work, was frustrated that I hadn't done as much housework that I thought I'd do, and then thought to myself where did I get the time to smoke. Probably didn't do that much housework when I smoked!
  • I had a good sleep last night but wish I could hibernate. Got a 4 hr shift in my main job which starts at 8 and 6 hrs in my 2nd job from 1.30. Going to be a long day. Just not enough hrs in the day to get to do what I want to do. Won't have time to stuff my face so there's a positive.
    Miss Grumpy today.
  • you are doing really well woodster (or miss Grumpy if you like )
    understand the feelings you are going through and they are not pleasant BUT they wont kill you and they will get easier over time. Imagine how much more grumpy you would be if you gave in and had a smoke? Then its back to square one. 1 cigarette or 1000 cigarettes will never be enough once you start again so DONT DO IT
    Ј15 saved now could you buy yourself something nice to throw at someone seriously you deserve a treat the first week is hell there is no doubt but you are doing it
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