31 Mar 2017

A question about : Gift for my Mum

Hi All

I am reaaaally struggling for something to get for my Mum for a gift on our wedding day. I am going to get a bunch of flowers but want to get something special too as she's been so great. Already got a little something for my Dad.

Any ideas?? I would love something personalised or sentimental in some way but can't think what. Nothing cheesy.....


Best answers:

  • How about a locket with a picture fo the two of you together - perhaps as a child?
    Or a small photo book with some childhood pictures and add words or sayings about how they bring happy memories etc.
  • Just had to reply.
    Our daughter got married a few weeks ago and she presented my husband and I with an embroidered hanky each with a relevant sentimental message on them. It is something I will treasure and the only time in the day I cried..
    I know she ordered them online and mine says " Mum, something to dry your tears as you have always dried mine"
    Hoping this is of help
  • I got married at 42 years old and I told everyone not to buy us anything as we already had a house and everything else we needed as been together forever.
    My daughter said she needs to get us something so she bought us a lovely crystal photo frame. It now sits with our wedding day picture in it on my unit by the tv. I would never have bought something like that for myself because I am not one for having pictures on show, so may be a nice thing like that would be good.
    She got it from Debenhams.
  • We got a personalised vase for hubbys Mum from Ebay, its a nice solid piece of glass with a personal message on it. Its so hard though!
  • My friend got married and gave her mum/mother in law a bottle of the same perfume she wore on the day... I thought that would be a nice reminder!
  • Can you think of anything that she'd like that ties in with any interests, even if it's not wedding related? We got my MIL an elephant adoption (we did get married at the zoo where she adopts) but for my mum I treated her to a lunch day out on a vintage Pullman steam train, simply because it was something she'd always wanted to do. Not wedding related but she loved that day
  • We named a star for my mum for our wedding
    And for my MIL we got her a pandora charm which had all different ways of saying mum on it. As OH is from the North he says Mom and we always struggle to find something with that on but this charm did so she loved it
  • Thanks everyone that's really helpful. I appreciate your thoughts it's definitely given me some ideas!!
  • I got a beautiful embroidered handkerchief for my mum. from extra special touch..was gorgeous, and totally personalised!
  • not sure on your budget but we gave our mums enamelled coin necklaces from their birth years
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