07 Jul 2019

A question about : Getting Child Support from ex-partner in Australia

I am someone who actually has got a child support case with Australia. Took a long while to track my ex down, but I was determined to do it for the sake of my 4 kids. Took a while to get it up and running and ok,he still does all the usual tricks to avoid payment. But at the end of the day, he has the CSA asking for money, which given the fact he left the UK owing me thousands(which I will prob never see) and they do send me the small amount he is assessed at.

Best answers:

  • Don't you have to now follow the remo process?
    From past reading the Australian CSworks different to here, in that they take into account both parent's income and an amount is based on the total.
    Anyways check out the remo process.
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