15 Sep 2016

A question about : Getting a baby used to sleeping on the go

Hi all

I'm pregnant with baby 2 which is due in November. We already have a DS who is 2 and I have to say he is a dream when it comes to sleeping at night. The problem we had with him was that he wouldn't sleep on the go, not in the pram, well sometimes after lots of tears or in the car. He seems to be too nosey and wants to know what's going on all the time. When it came to naps we gave in a put him to bed in his cot and he got into a good routine. It has meant we've been fairly limited as we have to be close by to put him to bed at nap time but it was worth it as a night he sleep 7/7:30 till about 7am and settles himself if he wakes up.

Now with baby 2 I won’t be able to afford them the luxury of their cot for nap times as no doubt it will tie in with when DS will need picking up from nursery etc. so I was wondering, is there a way of getting them used to sleeping on the go or is it just luck of the draw? Should I just persevere with baby 2 and get them used to sleeping through the noise?

Probably sounds like a daft question seeing as this isn't our first but I'd love us to have a bit more freedom with baby 2 so we can take them both out for the day without having to be clock watching for nap time.


Best answers:

  • I would say it is just luck really. My dd would only sleep in car, pushchair or if i fed her to sleep. I think if you are doing nursery runs etc every day baby would get used to that.
  • Get a Snoozeshade for the buggy - it was an absolute lifesaver for us when LO needed a nap but was more interested in what was happening around her
  • ..........
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