21 Apr 2018

A question about : Get Your Ideas patented

If you...like my brother, are the kind of person who regularly walks through life pondering on how the world manages to 'overcomplicate' the simple and most obvious things, so obvious in fact its a wonder no-one else thinks of it... the answer is, they probably have... or they will do soon...

(this 1 should appeal to you.. and possibly 1 day make you a millionaire)

Check this out (true story):

My brother said a couple of years back, whilst we were both drunk in my mums house...

"do you know what Danny, isnt it stupid how they make toasters, every time i do my toast, it always gets burnt before i get to it!. They should make them see- through or something...dont you think..."

The idea was laughed off, and forgotten about, like you would if someone said something stupid like that to you...

oh yes.....Right up until a few week ago, when we were both watching the QVC channel, when the presenter suddenly picked up a very odd box made out of glass fibre- plasticy- stuff, then started ranted on about the new, revolutionary "see-thru" toaster... available to buy right away... and guaranteed never to burn your toast again! ... oh how the smile was wiped from our faces..

i mean, how pathetic and stupid an idea could that be..... what moron in their right mind would buy a
see- through toaster... in fact, what moron in their right mind would think up anything so obvious and stupid, and patened it to make an absolute fortune .....


I know, youre right...........yeh yeh....and you get the point....

So, Rather than this going in the 'funny' section, where you could all start to ponder the obvious in life,
i have a better idea for you..

Patened your ideas, and quick.

(hope one day someone picks it up and manufactures it).

Probably the most obvious and predictable point on this site, and at the same time, the only 1 thing my brother forgot to do with his stupid idea.


Best answers:

  • Fantastic idea Danny.
    Have you ever tried to patent something? Do you have an idea how much it costs?
  • Hi Pal (very appropriate name, seen as your the only one on here i can really call mine at the moment)
    To be honest, I've never researched this area, i too would love to know exactly how it works.
    The address to apply, and info on fees etc is:
    Hope that helps. Let me know what you find out!
    (other comments on this are welcome)
  • Microsoft have patented the 'To do' List.
    If you patent an idea you effectively publish the details of it.
    The problem with patents is defending them in court. It takes a massive amount of cash to have a hope. It is a win-win situation for lawyers.
  • DANNY:
    Did you know that Einstein developed his ideas whilst working at a Swiss Patent Office? I don't know if he ever saved money with an employee discount though!
    And do you think you could invent something to stop those annoying pop-ups?
  • Nice one Danny - thanks!
    Appreciate all the tips and inspiration to date.
  • Danny. Great idea but shame you haven't had the chance to test it though.
    My understanding is that it can cost over Ј40k to patent protect a product given the amount of research and legal advice that is required. Even then, that amount of money would only cover you for EU countries. Worldwide patent protection costs run into millions.
    Some people might consider that amount excessive if they have no intention of actually making the product themselves, but hey, you have to take risks sometime!
    Keep those good ideas coming!
  • Unfortunately I am a teetotaler, and so never get brilliant ideas while drunk. And while sober I'm only creative in areas of pedantry and occasionally boring formulas.
    Any suggestions as to how I can come up with an idea worth patenting that will make me millions? There doesn't seem to be exactly a shortage of pedants around, so I'm unlikely to get rich by marketing that skill. :
  • In fact, Pal, you'll find they already sell pendants on QVC (nice diamonique ones made of real faux gold - very classy).
  • Are you saying that D_O is "nice" and "classy" or that he is decorated with diamonique and real faux gold?
  • I love all of you. I really want your babies.
    (females only need apply to that part)
    Men, line them up for me in nice and orderly fashion.
    Pal, keep the mingers away. I know youre probably good at that
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