18 Jun 2016

A question about : Gas Energy Transporter

Hey guys,

After some bad recent customer service recieved from British Gas I chose to move to NPower, one of the reasons was to get their smart heating system, NEST for free.

I applied online and all was going well for the switch until Npower told me the following (Via Social Media):-

Hi Andy, I've just been looking into this with a member of our Sales Team, to make sure all is well take over your supply. What we've found
is that your gas is transported by what's known as an Independent Gas Transporter, which means that your gas isn't transported by the
National Grid. We’re currently affected by a technical issue whereby we can’t take over the supply of properties who’s Transporter is a
company known as “Fulcrum” – As this company transport your gas, regrettably this means we can't take over your supply. I’m really sorry.

So this means the switch has fell through and im stuck with British Gas for now.
Does anybody have any advise for me on what I could do?
Am I restricted as to what suppliers I can use for my Gas?

I thought these things were simple and stress free!

Thanks in advance, I look forward to your helpful replies.

Best answers:

  • You should not be limited but not all will take from an IGT and some that do may make an extra charge. You need to contact prospective suppliers and ask them the specific questions.
  • I am with an IGT and I switched to Ovo last year and now E.oN. The technical issue could be that Fulcrum is selling off its IGT contracts to A N Other.
  • Double check the MPRN (from your bill). If on an IGT supply then it should commence with 74 or 75.
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