25 Jun 2016

A question about : Free solar panel discussion

This thread is specifically to discuss

the Free Solar Panels guide

This thread is closed, please use the new Solar panels thread. Thanks

Best answers:

  • Looking forward to hear some good news from those that have tried
    Anything that can save money
  • What it doesn't tell you is that the feed in tariffs are paid for by us the customers
  • A useful article.
    I've had some free panels installed by A Shade Greener (ASG), and have been very impressed by the whole set up.
    There are no catches, and since we've had the panels installed about 3 months ago, we've taken 45% of our all the electricity we've used off the roof. Obviously, the days will get shorter and the weather less sunny, but fully expect savings of c.35-40% averaged over the year.
    ASG's installation was very good, and the after installation service is great too. They are very choosy in terms of who's roof they will put their panels on - your roof must be facing the right way, be big enough for the panels (I have 18 panels installed) and the right roof pitch, otherwise its a no-go.
    No strings, other than you are locked in for 25 years, which is a long time. Though the way power prices are going, I expect that the panels would be attractive to house buyers, rather than a put off.
    I remain glad that we had them installed, and that we chose ASG.
  • I think its a fantastic idea but I live in Scotland and wonder if the same options are available up here?
  • No. The Feed-in Tariffs are paid for by the energy suppliers NOT the Government.
  • I would like to know if you go for the option of free panels and the company upkeeps the panels for 25years, what happens after this time, what is the cost of maintaining the panels yourself. Or if you buy the panels what is the cost of yearly upkeep? thanks
  • There was a fab thread about this called something like "Free Solar Power - Is It A Scam". All the questions are answered there. It's well worth a read (that's if it hasn't been deleted by the Forum Police). There was an employee of A Shade Greener who we were chatting with for ages but someone grassed on her and she was banned.
    I'll try to find our old thread.
  • ok! Der! No wonder I couldn't find the thread, it's located on the Green and Ethical Savings board!
    Here's the link:
    I would urge anyone to read it.
    There's a bit of arguing and bickering on it but people did wonder if it was a scam at first. Then of course there are always the doomsayers too. But in there is a lot of very good advice and information.
    Hope that helps.
  • The feed in tariffs are a rate in which the householder if they have solar panels get a guaranteed rate
    Before April 2010 householder that had solar panels I believe only got a grant to cover some of the costs, the feed in tarrifs pay much better rate over the 20+ years which makes it more attractive hence why some companies now supply panels for free subject to some conditions
    The feed in tariff doesnt come from government I believe but from you or I in way of a tax on our energy bills
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