01 Feb 2017

A question about : flood risk assessment

I have had a planning application rejected on flood risk grounds, with very little assiatnce on what to do next. the application is for a new build 3 bed house and has never flooded (in the last 25 years!) there is a small dariange ditch about 30m away amd is cleared on a regualr basis.

i have done some research and found some companies that maybe able to help but these charge a fortune.

Anyone used someone good and cheap!!!

Best answers:

  • The environmental agency normally offer this service
  • We actually have planning permission and we live next to a river! The EA have very specific criteria they use for assessing flood risk. Do you live on a 'flood plain'? It doesn't matter if you have never flooded what matters is your 1 in 100 year flood risk, we have had to raise our floor height above the 1 in 100 year risk plus 100mm. Go here and type in your post code and you can see how they view the risk to your area. If your area is dark blue then you have a 1% risk of flooding each year for example. Before we put in our application we invited the EA down to the site to find out what was acceptable to them and what was not. Sometimes they will accept things like flood risk mitigation measures such as putting all services 500mm min above floor level, or in extreme cases like ours we had to raise the floor level and put sub floor voids in to allow ingress and egress of flood water. Does it say on your planning refusal any reasons why the rejected it? If not ask then what the specific reasons were before going any further.
  • I presume the refusal was purely due to a lack of a Flood Risk Assessment being submitted with the planning application? Advice on Flood Risk Assessments is contained in PPS25 - see Annex E:
    It will give you an outline as to what is required, although the chances are you may have to employ a professional company to carry it out.
  • It's all good, found a local guy who has helped me out no end. if you have the same problem in the North West, let me know and i will pass on his details.
    Thanks for all your replies
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