17 Jul 2015

A question about : Feed a family of four for Ј20 a week challenge

This is coming from the Ј7 a week thread. We need ideas on healthy meals for a family of four with Ј20 a week, this must include fruit and veg and protein. And like the Ј7 a week thread there is no stock cupboard. Can we do it guys and gals? title=Big


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Best answers:

  • Of course the OS bunch can!
    Can it be free of yellow labels and minimal home grown too? To make it accessible to as many people as possible.
  • To be honest I was having difficulty to work a meal plan for Ј7 that I felt was healthy to eat even in the short term for 1 person. I will try to get a meal plan for Ј20 by the weekend. I will be including breakfast, lunch, tea/dinner and a pudding/snack per aday.
  • I think that we can include foraged foods, they are widely available to everyone they will be zero cost so it won't affect any pricing. Aldi super six for fruit and veggies every week are a great way of providing fruit and veg and maybe if you have a little spare cash and the super six items are freezable, they would be an asset to be added to the freezer. Woopsies are a problem in so much as they will not be available everywhere, so I think that we should disallow them.
  • Hi Butterfly Brain,
    We have a few threads on this topic that may help:
    How can we eat healthily on Ј20 a week?
    Ј20 for a week's shopping and nothing in store cupboards - HELP PLEASE! )
    Ј20 a week for food for the next 3 weeks any ideas?
    Ј20 a week OS challenge- you'll be seeing more of me I think!!
    I'll add this thread to one of those later.
  • All those threads are a few years old aren't they?...need stuff that is up to the minute
  • I agree with the pp, pink the pricing on those will be way out of date, yes our new thread will pop up at the end but people don't liek having to read threw alot.
    i'm going to do a meal plan later as i'm off to the soft play area.
  • The prices may have gone up a bit since those threads were started but it still gives you an idea about the type of things you should be looking at.
  • Pink I agree with the others about not merging the threads maybe we should put the year on the end of these sorts of challenges so that we know where we are.
    Three are from 2006 and one is from 2009 so that is six and three years respectively, so the prices will have changed by a great deal since then.
    What we could do is look and see how much the prices have risen in that time though, if we really want to scare ourselves, because wages have not kept up with the prices in the shops
  • No No, i wasn't picking you up on anything Q,
    I find all these threads a good read.
  • I findthe o
    D threads a fabulous resource, but food has good up and is going up more. Things like the cheap family meals site....are they up to date with current pricing? That would be almost as much work as creating the thing must have been if so!
    Also with merged threads, new products come on the market, the costs of things change etc etc. some times, while the tips are valuable, the costs are so out of date they could bring depsair to people trying now.
  • Please dont merge the threads, they then come a nightmare for anyone to try and read through and work out where the uptodate information is. (seriously, for someone who is a technophobe or short on time, trying to wade through 5 years of posts to find something is )
    I think in the current times, threads like this and the Ј7 a week, need to be kept at easily accessable as possible to those who are in need
  • Haribo this is designed for those who are on benefits or have just been made redundant or are just struggling to make ends meet, we all know that benefits don't cover the basics any more and are due to be cut next year, so it is to offer a little of our combined knowledge to help those who are in this sort of situation. The Ј7 a week was doable, but at the detriment of meat, fish, fresh fruit and veg.
  • Aldi super six this week
    2.5kgs baking potatoes (Roast, mash and chip well) Not forgetting that you can precook and freeze mash, roast potatoes and chips
    500g plums, (de stone and freeze to make plum duff etc)
    4/5 nectarines
    3 pack peppers (Chop and freeze...no need to blanch)
    large vine tomatoes (dry in the oven for your own sun dried tomatoes or make your own pasta sauce)
    a bag of 7 fun size apples....Slice and freeze for apple sponges, apple sauce, D&DD's apple braid or pies, as well as eating them fresh
    ALL AT 69p
  • That's not enough for one person's five a day for a week though, BB, never mind a family of four. I think this thread is a great idea, a few years ago for several months we had Ј27 a week to feed and clean four of us, and to make sure the kids were getting enough, OH and I had to skip meals. We are vegetarian, and it was impossible to make sure the kids had a full balanced nutritious diet with enough calories so that they could continue to do sports, etc, at the same time. I struggle just now when it's just me and the children at home to keep the budget (without counting sweets etc) below Ј45.
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