13 May 2016

A question about : Ex Employer Withholding Pay


i was hoping for some advice?

It would seem that the employers I left at the end of last month are withholding my pay. From what I can gather this is illegal.

I am expecting them to pay me around 4 days wages along with outstanding holiday that I accrued totaling another four days along with Ј600 of unpaid expenses. This is the difference between me paying my mortgage this month and not.

I have emailed them and asked why they did not pay me on the contracted date which passed on Friday just gone but have received no reply.

What are my option?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Best answers:

  • hi there,
    assuming your calculations are right, then this would seem to be a clear situation of 'unlawful deduction of wages'. Google the term and you will get a hundred explanations for it.
    Ultimately, you would need to consider taking your ex employer to an employment tribunal. This is not an expensive process for you and doesn't normally require a lawyer if you are confident.
    Usually the threat of a tribunal is enough to force a settlement. Your next step could be a formal letter, or a formal 'letter before action' with a deadline which is where you quote the relevant legislation, and threaten to escalate to the legal arena.
    I would also encourage you to communicate in writing with proof of postage rather than email.
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