28 May 2017

A question about : Even children can have strokes :(

This post is to tell you about Different Strokes, the charity I am involved with.


Different Strokes works with younger stroke survivors - that's anyone under the age of 65, including children. So there are TWO reasons for this post...

The first is to encourage you to donate! - as we are a smallish charity (albeit with a very large membership) and really short of money title=Embarrassment

But the second, and probably more important reason, is to say that if you or anyone else that you know has had a stroke, do give us a ring and we will send out an information pack with loads of helpful tips about things like benefits, etc. Better still, you can download this from our website. If you want to go on our circulation list (which helps us demonstrate to funders how many people we are working with) do give us a ring (0845 1307172) or email info@differentstrokes.co.uk and you can receive regular newsletters. There is also a network of exercise classes throughout the UK to help people regain mobility and confidence after a stroke (I should stress that for insurance purposes you do have to be under 65 to join these classes). There is also a fantastic (well, very old and creaky, but very very effective) messageboard on the site where stroke survivors exchange hints, chat, and support each other in life after stroke.

We are also putting together plans for a children's workshop, for children who have had a stroke and their families.

Hope this helps!

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