07 Oct 2016

A question about : Ending Virgin active contract early.

Hi all,

I need some advice as to if I can end my virgin active contract early. I signed up about 4 months ago. Since then two things have happened:

1) I have injured myself and am having surgery in a month
2) I have a new job in the Antipodes and will be moving over there straight after the op!

Any if I can get out and if so how?


Best answers:

  • Can you transfer to another Virgin Active gym nearby to where you are moving?
    If not write to them stating the reasons why you wish to leave, they might ask for proof of your new address.
  • Im leaving country to Australia so no. :-)
    Will they let me break the contract with proof etc?
  • VA have clubs in Australia...
    What does the contract say about moving house? My contract with David Lloyd gives me the right to end it early if I move somewhere that's over 10 miles from the nearest club.
  • sent a letter explaining my situation. Cancelled no problems. Just make sure to time the cancellation as I am not sure if they refund unused time. I cancelled at the end of a month 2 days before DD was due.
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