30 Aug 2015

A question about : Empty House !

Deleted ...............

Best answers:

  • No but I felt as if I was a nosy neighbour so I deleted it!
  • Aww, I thought this was going to be one of those exciting ones where you'd thought better of your opening ranty post and deleted it in a fit of pique after getting loads of grief in response.
    I like those ones.
  • No, unfortunately not. In summary, empty house opposite, empty for months (previously elderly relative of young male's home who have relocated), male relative visits sometimes 3 times a day (large noisy motorbike so we know when he comes/goes) but his visits last no more than 10-15 mins at most. Is there someone holed up there or is it my imagination.
  • Well the cannabis farm seem to be eating lots of canned food as the recycling box is always full! Seems strange.
  • Oh and why would cannabis need to be looked after 3 times per day.
  • He sometimes goes in with a nearly empty black bin bag but I don't usually see him come out. It's quite a large property and I can only see the front from my house so don't know if lights etc are left on for any plants that might be there. Any other signs I need to look out for.
  • What type of cans are in the recycling?
  • Look out for blacked out windows, lights on all the time, condensation and in the final four weeks the plants will stink if it is a cannabis farm.
  • Sounds more like the young man is diligently caring for his elderly relative's beloved cat / pug / canary..
    Or possibly, he wishes to dissuade skunk-farming squatters from moving in and trashing the place?
    Most bikers are lovely people, OP - why not pop over and say hello.
    He'll probably appreciate knowing there's a friendly neighbour keeping an eye out while the house is empty.
  • They actually stink all the time.
  • When my nan died, my dad found a load of old tins dating back many years.
    Perhaps the old couple also had loads of tins in stock and the relative is clearing them out.
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