21 Jun 2016

A question about : EDF

I got the keys to my new home, 12th February. I phoned EDF and set up my electricity with them, Blue tarriff from 12th Feb. Tonight I nipped round, picked up the post, three letters from EDF, one welcoming me and saying they have set up my DD with them and will be taking the Ј60 agreed, second mentioned the Deemed contract that has been surpassed by the new tarriff but the third one is a bill from 3rd Feb - 11th Feb for Ј43.50 saying they want the money by 8th March. So who pays that money? The first two letters are addressed to me the third to the owner/occupier. I was not the occupier for those dates, keys were not mine until 12th and I went round on the 13th for the first time. Can they ask me to pay? Seems a lot of money for so few days if they think my monthly account will be Ј60.

Best answers:

  • Contact them and explain you were not the occupier.
  • When did you actually become the legal owner?
    Does the 8-day bill cover usage as well as standing charge, or just standing charge?
  • I am doing a sponsored move. I signed the tenancy on 12th February and received the keys then. I contacted EDF same day and read the meter on the 13 th, first day I had access. The two bills have different account numbers, my account from 13 th and the Ј43 with a different account. I know it was being painted before I moved in so should the housing partnership be responsible for those days?
  • Given that your tenancy only started on the 12th, and you were not responsible for the usage for 3rd - 11th, you cannot be made to pay the Ј43.50.
    I would pass the bill to the Housing Association (who I assume will know who was the 'occupier' for those days - either them or a previous tenant - but also contact EDF to confirm what you've done.
  • I would imagine this happens quite a lot, as I'm sure workmen will be coming into my old flat to decorate and change the electrics before it is let to another family. I will read my meters when I leave on the 8th March and there will be a period before the new tenants move in but the workmen will be using the electric, if not the gas, for their tools.
  • EDF were very good and I just forwarded the bill to the Housing Association who will pass it to their Finance Department.
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