17 Oct 2017

A question about : E: 20/02 6pm Win Ј2,000 (Text)

Wave 105

Text HIT followed by your answer A B C or D to 61025.

Answer: D) Dolly Parton

Texts cost Ј1.50 plus your standard network rate.

For every second text entry you make, an extra free entry will automatically be entered.

For example:

1st text = 1 entry (1 charged at Ј1.50 + std network rate).
2nd text = 2 entries (1 charged at Ј1.50 + std network rate and 1 not charged)
3rd text = 1 entry (1 charged at Ј1.50 + std network rate).
4th text = 2 entries (1 charged at Ј1.50 + std network rate and 1 not charged) etc

This special offer must be claimed on the same day of original first text and will not carry over to another competition.

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