26 Apr 2017

A question about : Dyson Hot Cool A05 cheapest I found Wiltshire

If you are looking to invest in Dyson Hot Cool A05, I decided to spoil myself, not buy ANY heating oil this year, and use a heated throw and 'fan' heater instead, and snuggle up onthe Sofa, rather than fight a losing battle to adequately heat even one room on my weekly budget. This was before. SSE price hike. A n y w a y......I Digress.......

Ј299 for A05, Ј249 for A04.........well plus the usual 99p!

Good service, good price.....and all this from old fashioned local Department Store.

This was at least Ј50 cheaper than other more usual outlets. They will also demo for you!

H J Knees. .....Malmesbury or Trowbridge......but check availability..as they don't carry very much surplus stock.

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