30 Nov 2017

A question about : Does anyone know of a virtual 'piggy bank' tool that I can motivate myself with?

I have been lumbered with a crappy, crappy task at work which I really don't want to do. It's almost the final straw, and to be honest I've really thought long and hard about even resigning rather than do it, but instead I've come up with a cunning plan instead that I think will get me through the six months that I'm going to have to spend an hour of every day doing it.

This morning, I added up all the pay I'll net over that period, worked out the number of days of work that that involves, and even the number of hours spent on the 'craptask'. I know how much I'd be happy to work for for the rest of the day in another job and the remainder of the money I'm going to think of as my 'pay' for doing craptask.

It works out to a motivatingly amount of money for that one hour a day title=Big, so what I want to do is, at the end of each session of said task, I want to do the virtual equivalent of flinging that amount of money into a virtual piggy bank, so that I can see it, and hear it and watch it mount up every day.

I know. It's childish, and I'm old enough to know better, but because it's a decent amount of money, and a crappy, crappy task, I think it will work title=ROTFL

All I need now is an online tool - like a piggy bank or tin or anything really (apart from a dull old excel spreadsheet which won't thrill me at all.....) All I can find online are tools and schemes for parents to help kids manage their pocket money, which isn't what I want at all. Any help at all most appreciated, if anyone can point me in the right direction. Of course, if this tool doesn't exist, I could perhaps get the app made myself, find instant and immediate wealth and resign before January anyway. Problem solved!title=Jumping

Hope I've posted this in the right place - if not, please feel free to move.

Best answers:

  • Hi,
    do a search for 'virtual wallet' rather than piggy bank, might find an app or something suitable.
  • Come on spill; what's the task?
  • Not sure whether it's what you're after, but first direct have 'internet banking plus' (you don't have to be a FD customer). It allows you to link all your accounts, credit cards, mortgage, value of assets etc and get a net total worth. I think it only works on internet explorer, and you have to download a plugin for your PC.
  • Have a supply of small change around;1p, 2p & 5p. Work out your equivilant of the value of time spent eg; 1p equals an hour @ your current wage, 5p equals a days wages. Throw a few coins in the 'bank' when you get home.
    Hope you've got a 'piggy' that makes that satisfying noise.
    Hey this sounds like a good idea - might try it myself.
  • Hi,
    what about a piggy bank app for iphone, this is just an example, but search itunes there are pleny of free ones.
  • On a similar topic... does anyone know of a program that shows me how much interest my savings are earning me per second in real time (i.e. the amount literally changes per second - a bit like the debt clock thing some sites have for UK national debt, except this shows how much interest is being added to my savings)?
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