15 Apr 2017

A question about : Does anyone have a craft blog? advice needed please

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice please with regards to blogs?? i will be registering as self employed soon to start my vintage wedding invitation business, where i design everything myself and sell from my website and ebay. I would like to do a blog aswell, as a bit of a diary of my business ventures (stay at home mum of 4, to a small business owner) and a place where i can offer free printables and giveaways, aswell as vintage wedding idea`s and handmade wedding craft instructions/tutorials. my website offers a blog, which would show up in my contents along with my sellable items, but im unsure whether it would get as many hits as a blog from the likes of blogger or blogspot etc?? any advice would be much appreciated thank you.

Best answers:

  • I might be wrong but i don't think the one attached to your website is the same as the normal type of blog. I don't think it actually goes anywhere other than to people looking on your website. So i suppose the question is does your website get a lot of hits?. I have a blog through blogspot and i have a website seperately. On my website there is a link to my blog address but i mainly promote my blog posts through social media - facebook and twitter etc.
    Hope that helps xx
  • Hi Dizzytina, thank you for the info, i did wonder about that, so you say you advertise your blog with a link on your website, are you able to do this the other way around aswell? so also have a link on your blog to your website? i would like to run these side by side, offer free stuff but also advertise my service, thanks for your help, much appreciated
  • Yep you can create a link on your blog to take you to your website its quite easy to do in your blog settings. I started my blog way before i set my website and facebook pages up although i have neglected my blog over the last 6 months as my craft business took off in a big way and i just havent had any spare time for the blog inbetween making order and networking through other social media etc. I am looking to start a series of craft tutorials on my blog and will promote those through facebook. Do you have a facebook page?. If you don't i would definately recommend you start one and use that as a good advertising platform as well as your website xx
  • I would say that Blogger is a great place to start blog wise, it's well indexed by Google (so tutorials should show up in searches) and it's so simple to use.
    Just remember that blogging is addictive once you start - sometimes I spend more of my day blogging than crafting/working lol
  • It was ages before I got myself a blog and I was surprised by how easy it was. I wanted a blog just to link to various challenges I enter and more as a personal record of the crafty things I do rather than to generate loads of hits. I use Blogger and have no problems with it.
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