16 May 2017

A question about : do i still get the same FIT putting pv on a house i let out? and is it taxed

As above if I was to put a 4kw system on a house i own and let out would i still get the same FIT tax free or would it be classed as a commercial system? If i can is there a limit to the ammount of FIT accounts i can have tax free?

Best answers:

  • Yes and no.
    Unless you have more than 25 installs (I think, but others will able to confirm/deny).
  • Only your home qualifies for tax free, rentals is classed as income....its the reason I haven't put any on any of my houses.(that's according to my accountant)
    You may well get away with it if you don't declare, but it would be an undeclared income and getting caught may well have some serious consequences such as a full accounts audit by the tax man(not nice) followed by a nice hefty fine.....risk and reward...your choice.
  • If you installed a system on a relatives (or even a friends) house, would it be possible for them to 'Gift' you an amount each year, similar to the FIT?
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