01 Nov 2015

A question about : Do I have to Pay this debt, what should I Do?

Hi, can anyone help? I was told if I Disagree with a demand for a credit card debt that the credit card company has to give me a copy of my wet signature to prove to me that the debt is owed.

Is this true, what should I do?

Best answers:

  • Yes I am, i'm in need of information and I would like to ask why my post was deleted? and an answer to my question if anyone would be so kind... thanks
  • yes , you need to pay the debt.....only case that has come up in front of a judge was lost by the defendant
    from one of the sites that used to do this
    Please note that we are no longer providing unenforceable credit agreement services (UCA) because of the recent test case rulings in the courts: we are sorry to disappoint people with this, but we feel that it would be unfair to hold out people's hopes in a sector of the law which may be unsafe.
    For this reason we are no longer processing any UCA applications
  • re why your posts possibly have been deleted John
    Please refer to my reply here
    Every blessing man
  • [QUOTE=Erme;42537670]No offence hun but reading this I can fully comprehend why some of your posts might have been deleted? Are you pre-mil/post-mil/A-mil. I suspect your pre-mil and if so then I avoid ppl like you like the plague cos it just makes me unwell. As it says in the guidelines this site is for help not judgement. Hope this isn't lost in translation and I have pretty strong views myself but just examine what you right objectively and see what conclusion you draw? Does it sound off beat? Does it sound paranoid? Does it sound weird or strange? How would you feel not knowing anything about the origins of what you write reading it for the first time. Maybe I should put this in a PM and if this post (as it probably is) is inappropriate I apologise. Just a few points for you to consider hun
    What about just asking for an explanation if you doubt what I say as truth/fact ?
  • bump......
  • Simple question - did you incur the debt?
  • You borrowed the money, you pay it back. Simples. Take some responsibility and do the honourable thing.
  • Oh and I forgot, even your reply shows how the power of TV has changed reality for the masses and how very easy it is ..... "Simples" oh boy, and that's an advert, imagine what the so called factual programs which are supposed to be informative are doing to peoples perception, its been going on long enough, you must have missed it, research edward bernays it may give you a clue as to what the system is all about
  • Are you claiming that fraud has been committed and someone has applied for a credit card in your name? If so, then you should be dealing with the police.
    On the other hand, if you received the credit card and used it to buy goods, then the CC company only have to provide a reconstituted agreement which will be readily accepted by the courts - and use of the credit card would be deemed acceptance of the terms and conditions. If you didn't accept them then you surely wouldn't have used the card in the first place.
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