06 Apr 2016

A question about : Do I contact Home Insurance?


Just come home and found the wood flooring was bubbling.

Fast Forward 4 hours, floor is up and there's water all in the front room and hall way, not puddle like just a layer feels more like it's been slightly rained on than puddles. (thankfully)

There's no clear way of identifying where it is from as the floor seems wet in multiple areas. title=Frowntitle=Frown

We have called BG out, who we have Plumbing cover with, they're coming 8-1 (my mind just won't stop ticking!!) but wondered whether i should contact house insurance in the morning? After reading the BG website it seems they'll cover this issue, but can't be sure.

pages 18 & 19

This is my first home i've owned and first claim i'll have ever made and i'm just unsure and panicking - trying to sleep unsuccessfully.

Any of you guys have any advice for me on what to do/follow?



Best answers:

  • Once you contact your insurer over any loss they will record this on the shared database.
    So even though your loss my not result in a claim you will have to disclose it as part of your history of previous claims/losses when asking for quotes in future.
    So don't contact them unless you are certain you have cover for the loss and will want to claim.
  • Thanks all - bg been out leak is from next door. Contacted their letting agency and they've been away for a few weeks and had a leak their Ceiling has come through, we rang out insurance they're coming out tomorrow.
    Front room and kitchen is in tatters!! What happens if her landlord doesn't have insurance?
    I'm terrified!!!!
  • It's unlikely it will make any difference to you if they have any insurance.
    It will more than likely be the case that there has been no negligence from next door that you can prove.
    In that case you either claim off your own insurer if it's covered or pay your own costs
  • Nope - we have proof. letting agents confirmed they've had a leak.
    We've got pictures of their ceiling being taken out the house today after a leak and their water's been shut off until it's fixed.
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