16 Aug 2015

A question about : DLA apeal

hi all would take anyadvice right now as im begining to feel like ther right an its all in my head

its for my dd she is 16 now an was on dla hr since april 08 for 2 yrs
her illness at the time was for depression self harm atempts a suicide mood swings, she was an still is under chams an gets alot of help from them, the high rate was mainly for night time with the nightmeres not being able to sleep an roaming round the house whilst i wasin bed looking for things to self harm with.

i had to re-apply this yr an things were worse than they were last yr i put all the info on the form an sent it off with a cover bit from the person who helps me look after her the new things were not going out alone an severe paranoia also she had become more violent an found new things, things i thought were safe to harm her self with plus an other suicide attempt also getting up in the mornings an encouagement to keep her apperance an hygine up to scratch

the decision came back as no saying she didnt need help with anything that she only needed re-surance an she wasnt at risk of self harm a danger to others or her self,
i asked for this to be re-looked at but we were also going about a new psyciatrist report at the same time, he chams worker also wrote a letter of her own back to confirm the self harming depression an the going out alone an also being left alone was not in dd intrest as she has atempted to kill her self.
as soon as the psyciatrist had seen her again an diagnosed her with a mood disorder similar ti bi polar an placed her on meds i told them as a new decision had not been made i missed out the bit about her hearing voices which i told the dla about but the psyciatrist said this was part of the low mood she gets

i got a new decision an they still said no as she only needs re-asurance but they did admit to her being at risk of harming her self

i now have to go to tribunaral an dont know where to start they said she needs no help with care, cooking, looking after herself going out off the home no supervision whilst alone.ect......
im so tired its been a hard yr so far i dont know what im supposed to write on this gl24 form

im sure i can get the chams worker to help me at a tribuneral but is that allowed any help would be appriciated thanks

Best answers:

  • Hi WWIE - your story makes me so angry - bloody DLA they appear to want everyone to go through hoops these days to get the benefits they deserve! First of all if you need help with form go to your local CAB who can help fill out the form for you, secondly you are allowed to bring whoever you want to the tribunal. I know its a pain in the !!!! but don't give up just get the support you need. Good Luck.
  • You need to get help via a welfare rights person either from the CAB or your local council.
  • im very lucky to have a really suportive family an frends with out them i wouldnt still be able to work which has been hard when dd needs me
    i dont even keep dd money some of it does go to paying the car which i need for her an the rest to her but with out this money i cant bribe her out in to the world to spend it on herself try to make her feel better
    she is not a fake where 100's are i was reading a statistic's thing in the papare an the amount of people getting dla for menial things are really discusting .....im getting worked up now ..... i was thinking of maybe welfare rights is it to late to ask them now
  • Council have welfare rights witin their department.
  • ahhh i see thank you
  • Not much of an expert but here's my advice for what its worth (i have two children with nasty medical conditions) - i know its really hard at the moment because you have been through so much with your daughter.
    But you must pick yourself up and dust yourself down and fight for what she (and you ) deserve. Having to go through the humiliation of feeling like a liar, drains every bit of your energy - she has had an award before, so obviously deserved it....so grit your teeth and do what us mums do best - fight like hell for your kid.
    Print off the GL24 and remember you have a month from the date of decision to get it to them. Take your time and address a few of the main issues in the decision letter - then tell them that you will provide the rest of the evidence at a later date - put any evidence in that you have right now - the rest can be submitted later. Make it very clear that you wish for an appeal by oral hearing and sent it to them recorded delivery (you will then be able to prove it was sent)
    Many sites have advice - just google 'dla appeal' and have a read through taking the general concensus of advice - certainly try to get assistance from welfare rights, cab etc if you feel this is right for you.
    I know how you feel but you have many people rooting for you and keep going at it as best you can.
    Dont know if any of that will help - but sending you my best wishes and luck x
  • thank you sox
    i have a form here the gl24 but where its says about representative do i have to fill that bit in now or can i wait
    all the evidence i have the dla has its all the same so will that be sufficent or will i need more?
    i have an appointment on thursday with the doctor to review her meds anyway will talk to him then but dont really know what to ask for from him
    dd see's her chams worker every wednesday so i will try to remember to take the letter with me for dd to show is there anythink i should be asking for off the chams or the doc?
    thanks for the help every one
  • No - you can just put 'to be confirmed' - that will then give you time to get someone if you want to - or not.
    Send it off as it is if you havent got anything new at the moment - i would put it in a letter rather than trying to get it in the little box saying why you disagree.
    I would go through each point and say - i disagree with your decision because....and then address each point briefly.
    Its very draining and makes you angry i know - but deep breath and go for it. Best of luck sweetie x x
  • Haha sorry DX - our posts crossed in cyberspace - wasnt saying no to you - was saying no to her question of did she have to put in a representative !!
  • hi all filled in the gl4 an its in the post any one have an idea of what happens now as in aprox how long do i wait i am dreading this appeal board, i did read some where that they can change there mids before it gets that far if so how long does that take or do they wait untill the week or so before the appeal board meeting
  • hi op, just to be clear,
    have she been awarded any rare of dla? (ie. low rate care?)
    or is this an appeal for being turned down altogether??
  • OP - our GL24 went in three weeks ago - got a brief acknowledgement letter saying they have accepted we want an appeal - but havent heard anything since then. I think its a long drawn out process.
    They will get another DM to look at the claim before they process the appeal - I understand that if they agree with the original decision then they gather all the evidence they used to make their decision and send it to you to respond to - this then gets sent to the appeals department (i think this is right - but anyone who knows different please correct me)
    I dont know if they can change their mind about the decision at this stage or whether you have to go through to the tribunal ?
    Best of Luck x x
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