02 Nov 2015

A question about : defaults

Hi I'm hoping for some advice please. I've recently got a copy of my equifax report as I need to apply for a mortgage. There are several defaults on there which I know nothing about. I believe they were taken out in my name by my ex who I split up with last year after a long period of domestic abuse. Can anyone tell me the best way to deal with this as I don't know where to start. Since some of the defaults are with collection agencies I don't even know who the debt is with. Any advice much appreciated.

Best answers:

  • Contact the police.
  • could be hard since as you partner may have had access to all the personal information needed to get credit in your name. may be hard to prove or give enough doubt that it wasnt actually you
    start disputing them explaining situation and get a crime numebr
    then go from there
  • I rang the police but they didn't seem too interested as I had no real details. I would add that my ex has previously done time for fraud, obtaining goods and property by deception amongst other things.
  • report here to get a crime numebr https://www.actionfraud.police.uk
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