03 Dec 2017

A question about : Decisions, decisions

Hello everyone,

This is my first post after lurking for some time!

I wondered whether anyone was in the same boat as me really, and would be interested to hear any previous experience or advice.

My story, well I'm living and working in London with my partner and currently trying to save up to go travelling for a year. Having become enlightened to money saving ways (this is someone who used to go to the shop for a snack and end up spending Ј30 on absolute rubbish) I've now cleared all debt apart from student loan and am managing to put away around Ј750 a month. My partner is also doing the same as we've been told we need around Ј15k each put aside to travel for around a year.

We've been working really hard to reduce costs, shopping at Aldi and meal planning, I've cut my phone bill to Ј9 a month from Ј46 and staying in rather than meals out (which is very hard in London!).

The thing is now I'm starting to see the money build up, the sensible voice inside me instilled by my parents no doubt, does wonder whether as a girl in their late twenties should spend such an amount travelling or whether it would be prudent to put this towards a house deposit instead. I've already got some money put away in an ISA so I would only need to save another Ј10K or so on my return to have around Ј30k set aside (and that's just considering my money not my partners).

I guess it's tempting now I can see the reality of quite a good deposit saved up to wonder how much that would benefit us mortgage wise long term. We would hopefully move away from London upon returning to somewhere more affordable where a garden and some space isn't so astronomical! On the other hand, travelling would be fantastic and it is easy for us now with no kids of mortgage. I'm sure future me would be sat on a beach somewhere laughing over how I could be mulling this decision over!

Anyway, is there anyone else that started saving for travel and then decided to invest in something else instead?

Best answers:

  • I suffered such situation many times. Many times I was collected money for travel but my goal changes according to my family & personal situation. So, know I decided to save money in 2 forms. First for my emergency use & second one for my personal goals.
  • Travel now. You said it yourself, you have no ties now and its really true that if you don't do it now you probably will not have another chance if you plan to have a family.
    You have got the most important part going for you with your Mse ways. It will be easy for you to get back to this when you return.
    Have you and your partner considered taking any temp work as you travel? To keep your funding up. Not sure how easy that is to do now. A great way to relly see the culture and lifstyle of other countries.
    Also a good way to find out how well you get on with someone!
  • I experiences such situation several times. In the end I decided to save money for my personal needs. But you should spend money on traveling! Traveling is our life!
  • Hi. I read a blog called Saving For Travel. She writes about her frugal life, and about the places she has been visiting. She plans her travels well in advance. It's very interesting.
    If I was in your shoes I would travel now while you are free to do so, and healthy.
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