21 Oct 2015

A question about : Debit card charge

Sorry if this is in the wrong section couldn't find where to post! Just a quick question really.. went to a restaurant today and was charged to use my debit card? seemed a bit odd just wanted to check if this was allowed? I would understand if it was a credit card.. no warnings on the menu or anything only discovered it when I went to pay!

Best answers:

  • Well depending on the situation and the amount it's potentially allowable - the limited information you've given suggests it probably shouldn't have been
    Was it a % or a flat fee?
  • It was a flat fee, Ј1 on top of the bill.
  • Maybe it was on the menu and you didn't see it.
    I've taken a load of calls from people who didn't read the notes on a menu - they're typically only interested in the food.
  • That doesn't sound too unreasonable
    Might have been in a notice by the till - but still agree it should have been in the menu
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