10 May 2017

A question about : Day spas Cardiff

St David's
Crowne Plaza

Any recommendations or favourites?

I'm taking DD3 for a birthday treat but can't choose :confused:

Best answers:

  • I won a competition with the South Wales Echo recently for a Mother and Daughter experience at St Davids Spa and it was fantastic, we had a fab day and left feeling very pampered.
    My vote goes to St Davids Spa
    Welshy x
  • Thanks - the prize was in association with Dove products and there was a whole group of mothers and daughters.
    My daughter is 12 and we were both booked in to have full body massages and facials. However, as she was a youngster they suggested that instead she could have a manicure and facial. I think it was offered to all under 16's.
    Welshy x
  • you dont fancy the ones in herbert terrace or hickman road then? :confused:
    and im sure there's one towards sully, somewhere
  • So as it's just DD's birthday you won't be having one yourself will you? That will make it cheaper!
  • I've just spent a weekend in Cardiff and I've got to say it's the worst place I've ever been to
  • I was just trying to remember the name of the one by Sully, was it Avalon ? haven't heard about that one for awhile
    Welshy x
  • Aha, I see.
    Riverside is outside of the city centre and it is rough.
    It's a pity you didn't stay centrally to see the best of it.
  • The racist material I'm on about is things that say if you take an English flag and wash the !!!! out of it you get the welsh flag. And pictures for sale of Bart Simpson weeing on the English flag. And mugs in the gift shop opposite the castle with a verse on it about keeping the English out of wales (fair enough, I won't be going back). It's like they want the tourists but they don't want to have to talk to them and be civil to them once they are there. And I've been out at night many a time in my local town but not once been offered drugs on the street like I was 3 times on a 3 night stay in Cardiff.
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