16 Dec 2016

A question about : cyclist deaths & the law

seen a couple recently



seems its an easy way to kill someone, with no consequence

or little


Best answers:

  • Doesn't just apply to cyclists,
  • We could cut road deaths much further if we really wanted to.
    It always seems crazy that I have to do annual top-up training as an engineer and accountant - or I can be fined/struck off by my professional bodies.
    But I can pass my driving test at 17, and never have a further day of training ever, not even when I reach 70. And my driving is much more likely to kill someone than my engineering or accounting.
    I see people daily who are oblivious to the risks they are causing to themselves and others. Driving too close, not paying attention, using a mobile while driving, etc. I can only think that they either don't know what they're doing, or don't care.
    I strongly believe that every driver should have some top-up training (not a test) every 2-3 years.
    Instead we have a system that ignores the issues, and lets the bad habits get worse and worse. But then when the worst happens, we (maybe) throw the book at a driver who made the error - eg. up to 14 years in jail for causing death by dangerous drivinng.
  • I'd like to see motorists tested regularly, as it appears to me that some of them are not safe to be on the roads.
    I would also like to see more cycle training, I did the cycling proficiency test at school but there were only about half a dozen of us on it.
  • Regular testing is not going to change drivers attitudes to cyclists!!!!!
    Abolish the VED, stop people from thinking they "pay road tax" and thus have more right to be there than a cyclist.
    But even that doesn't address "big theory", where the bigger or more expensive your vehicle, the more important you think you are on the roads.
  • I do a fair bit of Cycling myself, well I own a bike...
    However you do get the militant Road rage cyclist who insist on undertaking vehicles turning left, they dont get it that if someone over takes you on the right, that does not mean you can undertake them on the left if they are turning left a mile later.
    Unless you want to DIE that is.
    A cycle never is the weapon of choice in a road rage argument.
    The best I have seen was a female driver turning left off a dual carriageway when Mr Militant decides to undertake and he ends up grabbing the mirror and hurling abuse, to which she shouted at the top her voice.
    You sir are going to end up as a F****ing stain on the road if you keep riding like that.
    Classic line.
    I do often wonder how many killed are militant car haters in Hi viz clothing as opposed to those who obey the traffic rules and highway code.
    We know some drivers make mistakes as well, but that is not the correct tool to enforce your anger upon.
    Become a bus driver if you want to run people over.
  • oh and heres a good one for my city council.
    going for world cycling city status.
    The world famous Princes street and infamous trams(overbudget,overdue and now reduced service)
    cycle friendly?
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