04 Jan 2017

A question about : Cycling action camera recommendation

I need to replace my Veho Muvi action camera, which is bloody awful (has sporadic problems with saving files where it sometimes just doesn't, has a far too narrow viewing angle, and in low light conditions is about as useful as Anne Frank's drumkit).

I was nearly killed by a numpty driving a Ford Fiesta 'support vehicle' in Worcester yesterday who had used the second lane of a roundabout to overtake me, cut me up, and turn left only to immediately catch up with stationary traffic. In the ensuing altercation I showed him the camera and promised to report him to his boss and the police, but the camera failed to actually store the file; leaving me with a sense of regret that I didn't just punch him in the face (I'm vehemently against violence, but for some people there really is no alternative, aside from maybe recording them with a camera that actually works).

So I will double my budget to Ј60-80. It must mount to my backpack strap (I don't use a helmet) and it's sole purpose is recording my commutes, although being transferrable to the car would be advantageous.

Can anyone recommend anything?

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