25 May 2016

A question about : CSA & Step Children


So long story short, my ex-partner has never paid a penny for our daughter and will go to extreme lengths to avoid doing so(!) he has a nine year old who he has never missed a payment for! It's been with the CSA for the last few years, who state that unless he tells them what he's doing there's nothing they can do (hundreds of phone calls, screaming, shouting achieved this answertitle=EEK!)

I have come to terms that all the above has caused me is extreme stress and upset. I love my daughter, I work long hours at a full time job just to keep our heads above water, I forgo almost everything that it not an absolute necessity so I can give her a good life, because she is worth it in my eyes. He goes on expensive holidays, hold season tickets, buys fancy clothes, has a top of the range car, and is always dining out. He recently bought his (now) fiancee a Ј1,500 ring... Personally I know who has a richer life...

Anyways... He is now engaged to a woman who has a child (not his) and she has one (his) on the way.

My latest call to the CSA I was informed the money (non-existent - is essence I have no idea why I'm even asking this question, her answer just surprised me!) would be split FOUR ways. His 9 year old biological child, our daughter (biological), his new baby once born (biological), and her child (who he merely lives with).

What concerns me (sorry for sounding like a mathematician / questionable gangster) but if her child is taking a 'cut' if you like, should her wage not be considered when they are working out maintenance / CSA payments???

I know that it is not, but (as many things with the CSA seem to be) it just seems illogical!

They have 'justice for fathers' how about justice for the parent who actually supports the child...!

Best answers:

  • I think what they mean is that his liability (the pot of money that is distributed to his biological non-resident children) is reduced to take into account any children in his household (whether biological or not).
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