21 May 2016

A question about : CSA Reassessment self employed

Hi currently on CSA2 and have never had a reassessment.

The ex now says she wants more money and will be asking the CSA to reassess which I don't have a problem with as everything is amicable.

My question is do the CSA look at just the most recent HMRC figures or will they go back over the last 4 years of online self assessments.

With being self employed plumber every year is different, last 12 months not been too bad but from 2010 to 2013 income was dire due to recession.

Have tried calling the CSA for last 2 days but cant seem to get through to them ?

Thanks in advance.

Best answers:

  • The reassessment will be from when she asks for it, it shouldn't be backdated.
  • Hi thanks for the reply ... sorry worded question wrongly as I know its only counts from date of request ... was asking how they calculate payment level going forward ... is it from just most recent submission or will they take into account historic information i.e. last 3 years tax returns ?
  • You should never risk self employment if there is any CSA liability. Set up a limited company ASAP. Its the ONLY way to protect yourself from these incompetent muppets. Self employment earnings are often variable. CSA are like energy companies. Very quick to raise payments if you earn more but you will never get them to lower (or pay you back) if you have a bad year.
  • Surely they will assess you on the most recent information on the hmrc
    What difference does it make what you were earning three years ago?
    [QUOTESet up a limited company ASAP. Its the ONLY way to protect yourself from these incompetent muppets[/QUOTE].
    Very admiral advice there, my ex has a limited company and is getting away with paying zero child maintenance while he lives a very well off life style while contributing nothing to the cost of bringing up our two children.
    I've only been dealing with the new child maintenance service and found that they were happy to lower the figure repeatedly to next to nothing.
    The cost of feeding, clothing, school dinners, uniforms, school trips, stationary, revision books and materials for GCSE's and A'Levels, transport costs the list goes on and on. That's without all household bills to keep children warm and sheltered.
    How about thinking about the childs needs first and foremost?
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