06 Mar 2018

A question about : Credit Reference Agencies

This discussion relates to the

Updated Credit Reference Agencies - Who Uses Who? article

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(to read the old discussion see here)

Best answers:

  • If a company is showing as using two credit reference agencies from the list provided how do you know which one they use or do they use both?
  • Hi janaspen,
    Unfortunately, it means they have links with both or all three agencies, so it isn't possible to tell which one they'll use for any given check.
  • I checked my credit reports and have absolutely terrible credit through Equifax and Experian. This is mainly due to the fact that they don't have me showing on electoral register, even although I am!
    They are all showing no credit searches, which believe me I do, but again could be linked to electoral roll!
    The only company which I come out top on is CallCredit. On looking at this website the only company which solely use them is Skipton BS who own them, but they don't offer credit other than mortgages!
    Does anyone know a company who solely uses CallCredit? I really need credit and am having problems obtaining it! I know that I should try and get Exp & Equ to get the electoral roll sorted but it seems to take forever!
  • Hi Coke24
    Bristol and West and Britannia Building Society only use one other agency so you could give them a call to see if they use certain agencies for certain products.
  • If the company uses say the co op for credit cards is it them that credit check or the Building society, interested in Stroud + Swindon BS.
  • hi guys - does anyone know if savings accounts are recorded on credit files?
    thanks in advance
  • No they are not, as they are not providing credit, even the identity checks online they may do will leave no footprint for other lenders to see.
  • Hi, just applied for a barclayloan as my credit rating is great thru experian but rubbish thru equifax after checking the table and seeing that barclaycard uses experian!
    Got refused and then checked both agencies and found out that the search was done by equifax and not experian...!!!
    thought i,d better post this in case it helped anyone
    Oh does can anyone suggest a loan company that definetley uses experian and not equifax...please
  • Barclaycard generally do check with equifax, when I applied for a card with them they checked both equifax and experian.
  • Could you tell me how I can stop my son's debtors from trying to contact him at my home now that he no longer lives here. Also can I have my address added to the so called 'Credit Blacklist' to stop my son from applying for credit via this address in future.
  • theoretically there is no such thing as a credit blacklist, but experian runs a sub company which runs the national hunter database. its prime purpose is to track fraudulant applications!! But under this system financial houses and banks etc DO SHARE APPLICATION DATA !!!!! what happens with data under this system is anyones guess!
  • Hiya,
    I'd just like to second a comment listed above -
    I applied for a loan through Barclaycard with the belief that my Equifax records would not be checked. I hoped that this would be the case as my history shown with Equifax is poor due to a dispute with O2 in 2002 that I don't remember having. My record with Experian is excellent however.
    Imagine how miffed I was when I received an email to say that my Equifax file had been searched. Surely enough, a few days later, a rejection note from Barclaycard arrived in my hallway.
    Could the table be corrected to show the correct information as there's no way I would have applied if I knew that my Equifax records would have been searched?
  • Oops - forgot to include this in my main post.
    Does anyone know a company who ONLY use Experian for credit searches? I shouldn't have a problem getting credit with them. Also, the dispute with O2 apparently happened in 2002 when they defaulted the account. Does anyone know how long this mystery dispute is going to blight my records?
  • As previous posters have mentioned Barclaycard use Equifax.
  • I realise I'm being a bit thick here and have probably missed something right in front of my nose but...what do the different shades of blue on the table mean?
    Thanks hopefully!
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