01 Jan 2016

A question about : credit file

Hi, i went bankrupt in 2009 and it has now gone from my credit file. Problem is two of the creditors i owed are still on my file. Equifax say they will come iff in september. Im I right thinking if they were included in bankruptcy and that has now gone that they should be removed aswell? Thanks in advance....

Best answers:

  • So I presume the original default date listed on those debts is Sept 2009, but you went bankrupt in January or February 2009?
  • I went bankrupt in feb 2009 and all depts were included. i was discharged in september 2009. Bankruptcy is gone from credit file but two of the creditors are still there and they were part of the bankruptcy if that helps any.
  • What matters is the default date listed on your credit file for those 2 debts.
    For a defaulted debt that is what controls how long they stay on your credit reports, which is why I asked that particular thing. They stay on your report for 6 years from the default date.
    Default date should have been recorded as being on or before the date you went initially went bankrupt, so Feb 2009, so if they are showing as on original default in Sep 2009 then that is wrong and they must be corrected by the creditor.
  • Thanks for the help...i have checked on experian and they have been removed on there but not equifax. I have rang equifax and opened a despute.
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