13 Apr 2017

A question about : crafting with kids

my step kiddies are 8 and 6 and my daughters are 2 and 1.. all 4 love getting the messy paper, glitter, glue etc out and it keeps them occupied for hours..

does anyone have any good crafts and good websites? ive been trying to find freebie bits and bobs to build up our collection using samples from wallpaper websites etc ... i am also going to ask on freecycle if anyone has scraps of paper, material, buttons etc which can be used.

really im just looking for some ideas and fun things to do.

im not really arty but my OH is amazing at drawing. so we are limited in our help. thankyou

Best answers:

  • Check Pinterest for ideas.
    My daughter is 6 and craft barmy, every now and again I'll let her on the computer to look on Pinterest and she picks what she wants to do. The boys aged 7 and 2 join in too.
    Collect ribbons by cutting the ones from clothes that you hang them up by. Spare buttons from clothes tags can be used too.
    Pencil pot monsters can be made from empty shampoo bottles.
    Cut pictures from magazines or junk mail for the younger ones to stick and create new pictures.
    Twigs and sticks can be used to make pictures.
    The older ones may enjoy string art (check Pinterest for designs) if you have spare wood and nails in your shed, you'd just need a ball of wool.
    Pin pictures can are easy too if you can get hold of any canvasses (again check Pinterest)
    Salt dough is fun, easy to make and can be painted when dry,
    Pole fashioned wooden pegs can be used to make peg dolls.
    Save empty bottles, let the kids decorate as they please add a ball and they can play skittles.
    Stamps can be made from potatoes, intact many vegetables can be used in painting.
    They are millions of things that you can do with them that don't cost the earth, but are fun at the same time.
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