03 Aug 2017

A question about : Coupon Embarrassment

I realise its unlikely we'll have many people on this board saying they get embarassed using money off coupons but do you think many people still get coupon shyness or is it just the norm now? I know I have friends who blush when I ask for a discount in places and others who just dont bother with tesco/sainsburys points & vouchers.

Best answers:

  • I got a little embarassed using coupons the other day as the lady on the till, whilst very very nice, did take forever about putting them through and everybody in the queue behind were moaning. One lady said VERY loudly "is it worth it for a few pence" and I told her how much I had actually saved (Ј10.50!) and she shut up then!
  • I tend to use the ss. That way the hoofers and poofers are moving along. At asda is it easy to do the coupons because you just scan them quickly and they are checked. At morrisons the sa has to put them through which can cause problems if people go red. Tesco not too bad. Sainsburys same as tesco really.
    I do know some people who don't bother with the locality cards and vouchers at all but I think that is because they expect me to do all the work and printing etc for them.
  • I personally think they should have a till just for couponers with specially trained staff .. Then people won't moan !
  • I'm just new to it so still suffer the embarrassment but I will be remembering that response to 'is it really worth it to a few pence?' 'Yes, when they're my pence'
  • I never take any notice , the only way I would is if they offered to foot the shopping bill . Also I've been the one having to wait in other instances never bothered me .
  • Been doing it for years now, and it doesn't bother me at all. In fact my family are surprised if I don't have a coupon/voucher
  • In student land where I live, the closest supermarket is Tesco, but I know loads of my friends don't have Clubcards, but that may be out of laziness rather than anything else
    I have no problem using coupons, but that my be my student money-head talking
  • I've worked on checkouts before and it wouldn't be as bad if people only tried to use coupons for things they actually had bought. One time I remember a bloke trying to redeem healthy start type vouchers against cider and frozen chips.
  • Yep Tesco used to accept healthy start vouchers for anything, at least the branches around here, there was one time when I used to get those and being flustered by the kids I handed over the whole month's worth of vouchers as opposed to the two I intended to as I had bought about that much worth of fruit and veg in that shop. They scanned them without question. I know my in laws used to use them on shops where they hadn't even bought milk, fruit or veg at all and they were still accepted they just assumed that because it seemed to be ok with Tesco that they weren't really doing anything wrong. They thought it was a bit like when coupons say 'not to be used with any other offer' when that is very rarely the case in practice xx
  • I dont mind using a few vouchers but I tend to only use ~two at a time as I do get a bit embarrassed (unless at self service then I am not as bothered). What embarrasses me more though is my other half taking a trolly load through the SS imo it just causes chaos.
  • I find that Sainsbury and other supermarkets often give a coupon for the excess you paid in some price comparison scheme. You cant (OF COURSE ! ) spend them until next time you shop there. I think this because most people forget to use them next time or don't go often enough. The stores count on this I believe. AS these are usually for pence I give them to the person behind me at the checkout and wish them a merry Xmas. They seem very surprised
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