27 Jan 2018

A question about : Couple

Hi all,

As some of you with incredible memories may be aware, I am currently unwell, and I have been trying to set up a business working from home. The docs haven't figured out whats wrong with me yet, and I was considering going on the sick unless I could find a part time job somewhere close enough to home that the travelling to work didn't kill me.

My husband is over 25, I am not. We were both doing a new deal course to start the business, and we have managed to get it generating some income - enough that we could possibly survive on it if he claimed working tax credits as a top-up, and I did manage to get that part time job - we'd both be running the business the rest of the time, and I'm hoping that now we've got it 'started' it will pick up some momentum.

What I was wondering was, if I don't get the job, can I go on the sick while he claims working tax credits, or is it a one or the other thing? The doctors have offered a sick note, and if it was possible to get the 'pressure' lifted by having some extra coming in while I looked for a part time job that would be nice. I'd rather be working a few hours a week than sponging off the state, but I need something flexible, close to home, and that doesn't need me to be on my feet all day. Its tough finding something like that and I'm starting to feel pretty hopeless about things.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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